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Summer Tango Bootcamp July 22 - august 3

Here’s your chance to jump in and learn the tango in 2024! Much like anything worth doing, it takes some time and focus to learn, and that’s why we’ve developed this intensive 2 week program.

You can come in knowing zero {with or without a partner} and leave after two weeks knowing ALL the basics of this Argentine social dance that’s popular the world over.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday for 2 weeks, your teachers, {Anna & Cristian; national award-winning dancers who have 35 years of teaching between them} will guide you through the basics to a base level of understanding of both leading AND following. At the end of two weeks you’re a VIP guest to Virginia Tango’s monthly “Que Onda Milonga!” You’ll get to put your skills to the test at a social dance and enjoy the life of a Tanguero from 8p-12:30a with a special out of town DJ and a table full of homemade Argentine food.

Take Virginia Tango up on the challenge and learn to dance this summer! It’ll stick with you forever, and we know it has the capacity to bring you to amazing places, introduce you to kind people, and help make you the most interesting person in the room!

July 28

Sundays in charlottesville

July 31

Summer Tango Bootcamp July 22 - august 3